Ibharcan Cooperative

IbharCan COOP is a registered cooperative society set up to
offer a platform wherein staff and members of the society judiciously work
together, involving mutual assistance, for the welfare and for the common goal
of its members.

It is an autonomous association of individuals, operated with
the motive of investing members hard earned income maximum profits and safeguarding
members economic welfare.

Characteristics of IbharCan Cooperative:

  1. The cooperative is regulated, and run by a
    Managing Committee
  2. Membership of the society is voluntary
  3. The cooperative society is open for all, irrespective
    of gender or race
  4. The cooperative is set up for mutual help and
    welfare of members
  5. Investment proceeds are allocated to the
    members as dividends

Join IbharCan Cooperative Society:

Click Here To Register As A Member